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Root Canal

A model of teeth cleaning with titanium metal tooth pick instrumentWhen the pulp of a tooth gets an infection, this is normally caused by cracked enamel. It can also be caused by decay, which will require the tooth's crown to be replaced. When these happen, you will benefit greatly from a root canal.

Our team of professionals at Shull Family Dentistry will get you set up so that your tooth can be rectified. We will have your tooth cleaned of all infected pulp so that your root canal can take place. As your root canal gets underway, your root will be filled with a composite.

Choosing a Root Canal

There will be many ways of determining the need for a root canal. The first is any sign of pain or sensitivity in the area. If you are experiencing these signs, then your dentist will take a closer look and determine the need.

The Root Canal Process

The root canal process is not a difficult process and is actually considered to be straightforward in nature. It is a process that eliminates pain once it is complete and adds extra strength to the teeth. Having extra strength allows the tooth to perform its normal activity.

Prior to the tooth getting a root canal, the tooth will be numbed and free of any pain before starting. The dentist will then clean out the pulp so a filling can be injected in its place. Once filled, it will be sealed along with applying a sealant.

Under normal circumstances, the root canal is conducted so that the tooth can remain without being totally replaced. It is important to keep in mind that a root canal is not always the right solution for every circumstance. This is why your dentist will determine if a root canal would benefit you.

Are Root Canals Painful?

The pain associated with a root canal will be minimal as you will be given an anesthetic to numb your mouth. The tooth’s numbness may last for a couple of hours after your procedure. Be careful when you are home to make sure that the numbness has resided prior to eating.

When To Get A Hold Of The Dentist

Following your root canal, your dentist will give you instructions as well as what to look out for. You will need to be sure that you are not experiencing any pain or sensitivity that is not out of the ordinary. Most of the time when a root canal is done, it is due to a pain that does not subside.

If pain is allowed to remain after a root canal is performed, then you may run into an issue that may never go away. This will mean you will be heading back to the dentist to see what else is going on. This could ultimately lead to tooth loss if an issue is not determined and fixed.

When a root canal is begun, it will instantly relieve pain. The removal of pain is exactly what Shull Family Dentistry will eliminate once they start with your root canal. Call us at 503-362-5019. You’ll be on the road to recovery in a short amount of time.
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Mon - Thu: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: Closed
Copyright © 2022-2025 Shull Family Dentistry - Levi Shull, DMD and WEO Media (Touchpoint Communications LLC). All rights reserved.  Sitemap
Shull Family Dentistry - Levi Shull, DMD, 1211 Liberty St. SE, Salem, Or 97302 / 503-362-5019 / / 2/11/2025 / Associated Words: dentist Salem Or /