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Dental Veneers
Salem, OR

Close up of dental veneerPorcelain veneers can provide many benefits once they are applied. However, there may also be a chance that something goes wrong in the process. By recognizing the dangers of what might go wrong, you will be able to prevent further problems from occurring.

When you contact Shull Family Dentistry, we will assist in understanding what may go wrong and what to look out for. Once you clearly understand what to look for and contact us, we will take appropriate action to correct the problem with your porcelain veneers.

Just like any other dental procedure, you need to recognize the possible issues involved with porcelain veneers. There is a possibility you could also have pain while being fitted with the veneers. This pain will be associated with a bit of enamel being removed, but the pain will not last long.

Dental Veneers are Permanently Attached

When you have your veneers fitted and bonded, they will become a permanent fixture. You will only be able to have them removed if a dentist needs to make repairs. The dentist will use specialized tools to make any repair.

Regardless of being permanently attached, knowing this does not bother many who wear them. Plus, when the veneers are placed, the individual will likely enjoy wearing them and will not feel uncomfortable wearing them. This will be true as other dental issues will be taken care of at the same time.

Pain As Dental Veneers Are Being Applied

During the fitting of your veneers, there will be a bit of enamel removed so that they can make a snug fit. The dentist may also do some tooth drilling. This will ensure that the veneer bonds completely to the teeth. If you are experiencing pain, you can ask to have an anesthetic.

Your Dental Veneer Could Crack

It is good to know that your veneer will be stronger than your natural teeth. However, the veneer could still crack after they have been worn for years. They could also develop cracks if the veneer contracts on a regular basis. Having a crack may also be caused by having too much cement used to bond the veneer.

Shrinkage of the Gums

Having veneers fitted could cause shrinkage of the gums after they are worn for a while. This shrinkage is associated with the margins of the gums showing. If a significant amount of gum line is showing, there will need to be an adjustment made.

Dental Veneer Chips

Another factor to be aware of is the possible chipping that could happen to the veneer. If you are eating a lot of hard food, it may cause a chip to occur. If you notice a chip, it is important to have it repaired as soon as possible.

Having veneers may not be an easy task for some, but once you have been wearing them for a while, you may want to avoid eating anything that may cause a problem. While wearing them, you will need some time to become adjusted to them.

If you are looking to get veneers, then contact Shull Family Dentistry at 503-362-5019 today.
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Dental Veneers • Salem, OR • Shull Family Dentistry
Contact us if you would like to take appropriate action, to correct your dental problem with dental veneers. Learn more here!
Shull Family Dentistry - Levi Shull, DMD, 1211 Liberty St. SE, Salem, Or 97302, 503-362-5019,, 3/13/2025, Related Terms: dentist Salem Or,